Dark nature

Female Shamanic Figures

Surrendering now to a sense of urgency, Lewis’s quest to express the human-animal interface took form in dramatic feminine shamanic figures. All that was solitary, wild and winged, vulnerable and untamed in him began to emerge. The raw sensuality of his female sculptures included animal elements such as sharp, deadly claws and horns. These reflected the artist’s increasing acceptance of his own feelings of sensuality, sexuality and freedom.
Trans-Figure XXI (S311)
Trans-Figure XXI (S311)
Trans-Figure XXIX Maquette (S318)
Trans-Figure XXV Maquette (S297)
Trans-Figure XXIV II (S289)
Trans-Figure XXII (S316)
Trans-Figure XXXI (S365)
Trans-Figure XXII (S316)
Trans-Figure XXII (S316)

Dylan has grouped the sculptures within the garden not as a response to a conscious plan but rather, as he describes it, through a process that unfolded intuitively over many years, in which certain sculptures seemed to ‘gather’ into distinct areas.

Book your Visit

If you are interested in visiting the Dylan Lewis Sculpture Garden please get in touch.