Breaking apart

Fragmented Leopard Torsos

Lewis dissected lion and leopard carcasses in order to gain a greater understanding of cat anatomy to express movement and power in a vital way. During dissections, he was struck by the vulnerability of the predators’ flesh, and the similarity between cat and human anatomy, highlighting the ambiguity between humans and animals. At a deeper level, these fragmented, sometimes brutal works were symbolic of a necessary disintegration of the artist’s belief systems that no longer served him.
Monumental Striding Fragment I (S342)
Reaching Fragment Maquette (S206)
Upright Fragment Maquette (S207)
Reaching Fragment Maquette (S206)
Curled Fragment I Maquette (S164)
Monumental Striding Fragment I (S342)

Dylan has grouped the sculptures within the garden not as a response to a conscious plan but rather, as he describes it, through a process that unfolded intuitively over many years, in which certain sculptures seemed to ‘gather’ into distinct areas.

Book your Visit

If you are interested in visiting the Dylan Lewis Sculpture Garden please get in touch.